Career Launch Readiness Assessment
Help uncover your level of career readiness in these areas: 1) relationship-building skills, 2) professional communication, 3) career planning & exploration, 4) career and self-development, and 5) internship/job search & interview preparedness.
What is involved:
- Answer 40 questions, which will take less than 7 minutes
- You’ll get instant results with a customized PDF featuring related UW resources
- You’ll also get reminder emails with nudges to use the resources suggested in your PDF results
- You can take assessment up to 3 times to see how your confidence improves
Why you should take it:
- Learn about “hidden” career best practices
- Identify strengths and growth areas
- Make informed decisions about career planning
- Stand out and impress employers with your career readiness
Open and applicable to:
- Undergrads and grad students on all 3 UW campuses