Internship Application Timeline
Internships are experiential learning opportunities that allow you to integrate academic learning with “hands-on” experience, build or strengthen specific skills or explore career interests. Most Huskies complete an internship the summer after their sophomore or junior year. Some fields can have internships that last multiple quarters or even an entire academic year. Below is a guideline to prepare for summer internships.
Keep in mind that some highly competitive fields, such as accounting, consulting, tech and engineering may recruit students for internships even earlier in their college career. We encourage you to connect with Foster Career Services or the CC@E if you are seeking internships in those fields.

Autumn Quarter:
- Revise your application materials (resume, cover letters, etc)
- Complete your Handshake profile
- Required for participation in events on Handshake
- Helps recruiters & employers find you
- Ask faculty, advisors and peers about upcoming opportunities
Winter Quarter:
- Apply to internships!
- Tailor your application materials
- Focus on what makes sense for your professional goals- paid/unpaid, part/full-time, in-person or remote, etc
- Attend a Career Fair or other employer events
- Prepare for interviews
- Think about what employers want from their interns

Spring Quarter:
- If you have not found an internship – keep applying!
- Employers will still be seeking summer interns
- If you have found an internship – evaluate your offer
- Reflect on your priorities and determine if the internship aligns with your professional goals
- International students must connect with ISS to obtain work authorization (for off-campus internships)
Summer Quarter:
- Congrats! Work at your internship site
- Use Learning Goals to guide your work
- Review ways to maximize your experience
- Alternatively, focus on other experiences:
- RSO’s and volunteering
- Campus events like case competitions or hackathons
- Part-time or on-campus jobs
- Undergraduate research

After your internship:
- Reflect on what you learned
- Determine what your next step in your professional journey is
- Update your LinkedIn or Husky Landing page with your experience
Frequently Asked Questions
Most employers focus on recruiting students close to their intended graduation date (juniors & seniors). Depending on your existing credits (Running Start, AP/IB, previous institutions, etc), you may be able to apply to internships as early as your sophomore year.
Consider other experiential learning such as volunteering, working a part-time or on-campus job, or participating in student leadership opportunities if you are not finding internships early in your college career.
Domestic students do not need academic credit to accept internship offers. International students should work closely with their departmental advisor and ISS to ensure work authorization is in place before the intended internship start date. International students must also register for an internship reflection course the quarter(s) in which they will be working at their internship site.
International students do not require sponsorship from employers, as The University of Washington, not the employer, is responsible for granting work authorization to international students for internships.
Ask your advisor if your department offers an internship reflection course, as you may be able to get major or elective credit. If not, you can register for GEN ST 350 credits, which will only count towards your overall degree credits.
The University of Washington does not award retroactive credit – all coursework must be completed the same quarter that you are working at your internship site. Some courses have earlier cutoff dates than the quarterly late course add deadline – be mindful of registration deadlines.