Don’t Take Office Hours for Granted

Take advantage of your time as a student in a supportive learning environment to make connections to other students, graduate students, and especially professors. Go to office hours every week, especially if hosted by the professor, because they are truly excited to talk and connect with passionate students and will help you with your future ambitions, like writing letters of recommendation for internships and graduate school. Plus, it can really help in some classes! Even if you don’t have a question, you can ask your professors what they did in school, how they started on their path, etc., and that really helped me with finding my own path. It can be intimidating to be around people in a field where you are only a beginner, but once you take the plunge and assert yourself, you find that everyone wants you to succeed.


Academics – Electrical Engineering, Class of 2023
Interests – Sustainability/Conservation/Energy
Identities – she/her

Work Experience
Climate / Conservation / Sustainability, Graduate School