Go With Your Gut

Certain things are just written on our hearts. Growing up I could never shake the feeling of wanting to pursue visual creativity in any capacity for the rest of my life. No matter how many times I felt discouraged by outside forces because my dreams were irrational or not fenced-in enough, I always came back to what I felt in my gut to be my calling. I encourage you to follow that passion by aligning yourself with people who empower you, being in places that teach you, and participating in things that challenge you to always do better. Ask for help when you need it, be able to pick yourself up when you have to, and always remember to take a chance on yourself. Take a hold for your life, go with your gut!


Academics – Visual Communication Design, Class of 2023
Interests – Arts/Media/Marketing
Identities – she/her

Work Experience
  • Designer
  • Studio Matthews
Arts / Media / Marketing, Jobs
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