Branding Yourself & Your Program!

I got my job offers largely due to my degree in Informatics, and the most important thing I learned is how to describe my program and my focus area in-depth, especially when the program has a less common / well-known name. Don’t be afraid to just write out your concentration in the education section or emphasize on that more than the program name itself, it really does not matter. Oftentimes (if not most of the times) hiring managers are not professionals in your interested area. If they don’t know what you are studying explicitly, you wouldn’t pass the resume screening phase at all. If you are applying to multiple job titles, you could align your specialization to match that title and earn yourself a chance to be interviewed. This is very effective due to the fact that there are just too many applicants in the market right now. The HRs have to get their jobs done and they just don’t have enough time to get to know you. If your very first education section remains unclear for them, they won’t take the time to look further down your resume.


Academics ā€“ Informatics; Statistics, Class of 2023
Interests ā€“ Tech/Data/Gaming
Identities ā€“ he/him

Work Experience
  • Software Engineer
  • Trio
Jobs, Tech / Data / Gaming
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