College of Education: Majors and Minors Info Session

Did you know that UW’s College of Education is one of the nation’s top 15 education schools? Did you know they offer ~2 different on-campus undergraduate majors and an on-campus undergraduate minor? If you have any desire to learn about making teaching and educating your career path, we encourage you to attend UW’s College of Education’s upcoming Undergraduate Majors and Minor Information Session. There will be time for questions and a recording available for those who request it.

Majors Covered:

1. Early Childhood and Family Studies (BA)

2. Education, Communities, and Organizations (BA)

Minor Covered:
1. Education, Learning, and Society

Date: Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Time: 3:00 PM until 4:00 PM Pacific Standard Time

Format + Registration: Zoom with registration by clicking this link

By Lily Burnstein (She/Her)
Lily Burnstein (She/Her) Career Coach