Not Sure What to Register For? Try PathwayU.

Compass held in hand

Spring Quarter registration is right around the corner, which means it’s time to make decisions. Decisions can feel stressful when you’re unsure which direction to head in. Luckily, as a UW student, you have free access to an online career and academic planning resource: PathwayU. Simply log in with your UW NetID and take at two, dare we say fun, career assessments: Interests and Values. Once you receive your results, you’ll match to a list of careers that might be good fits for you. PathwayU will provide helpful information on each career and give suggestions about which majors (pathways) would help prepare you for each career!

To recap, if you want help:

✔️   Identifying the skills you might need for your future

✔️   Discerning whether you are on a path that aligns with your values

✔️   Learning more about jobs of interest and jobs you didn’t know existed

✔️   Feeling less analysis paralysis

Try PathwayU!

Bonus tip: Bring your results into a career coaching appointment! You might be enlightened or confused by your results (or both), and it can help to reflect with a coach and create an action plan. Remember that PathwayU is just a guidance tool and not a crystal ball!

By Erin Lee (She/Her)
Erin Lee (She/Her) Career Coach