This page provides a snapshot of UW-Seattle undergraduates’ success following degree completion.  Outcomes were collected from surveys and LinkedIn starting just prior to graduation until 7 months following graduation in accordance with national standards.  Data collection was led by the Career & Internship Center in partnership with the Office of Educational Assessment and various academic departments.  Knowledge rates: Class of 2023 – 58%, Class of 2022 – 58%,  Class of 2021 – 41%, Class of 2020 – 47%, Class of 2019 – 51%

Next Destination

Huskies pursue an array of plans after graduation.  This graph depicts what recent graduates are doing within a few months after degree completion.

Four categories are combined to calculate our positive outcome rate - Employed Full Time, Employed Part Time, Employed in Volunteer Service, and Continuing Education.

Our Positive Outcome Rate for 2023 was 91.9%.

Top Employers

This list starts with the employers who hired the largest number of Huskies and then moves to alphabetical order when a large number of employers tie for the most hires.  UW graduates report working at over 1,000 different employers each year!

Employment Locations

Many Huskies stay in WA but Huskies are sprinkled throughout the nation and world.

United States


Job Titles

Job titles vary across employers and sectors.  This list starts with the most common entry-level job titles reported by survey respondents, and then moves to alphabetical order when many job titles are reported by the same number of Huskies.

Internship Participation

All respondents were asked whether they participated in any internships or internship-like activities (practica, fieldwork, etc.), paid or unpaid, during college.

Top Universities

Graduates who choose to pursue additional education do so at many different schools across the nation, though many choose to stay at UW.

Degree Types

Huskies pursue a variety of educational options after degree completion.

Fields of Study

UW graduates are accepted into a range of educational programs.