Retain New Hires

In order to address the systemic inequity facing employees, it is important to create long-term and lasting change. Simply hiring diverse candidates is not enough, we need to ensure that they advance in their careers and ultimately occupy leadership roles. The sections below outline questions and recommendations to consider as you think about how best to retain your employees for the long term.

Check-In Regularly

  • Plan to check-in with employees regularly during their first few months on the job. Expecting that new hires will learn everything there is to know about a job and organizational culture in a couple of weeks reinforces existing cultural norms.
  • Check-ins allow you to address questions and concerns to create a support system that ensures employee success.
  • Revisit the expectations and performance metrics from the onboarding process often. How might these change as employees settle into their roles?
  • Use a 30, 60, 90 day approach to ensure that employees and managers are still on the same page.
  • Adjust plans as needed to forge a path forward together.

Reflect and Adapt as an Organization

Think Long-Term

  • What long-term career pathways are available to your new hires? It is unlikely your new hires will stay in their current jobs forever. How can they grow and on what timeline? How can you help them get there? Even though talking about career advancement can be uncomfortable, showing your employees your genuine interest in their careers will make them feel valued.
  • Does your organization provide ample opportunities for employees to advance in their career? If not, why not? Where do new employees go after 1-3 years in their current role? It is difficult to retain employees if they have no where to go but out of your organization after a few years.