Career Readiness+ Inventory

Assess your skill and confidence in 4 areas:

NACE Career Readiness Competencies*
• Social Capital
• Career Mobility Best Practices
• Life Design Mindsets

*These were identified by a national group of employers as critical to students’ success in the job search and in the workplace – Career & Self Development; Communication; Critical Thinking; Equity & Inclusion; Leadership; Professionalism; Teamwork, and Technology.

For each area, you’ll answer 3-5 questions. The assessment should take less than 5 minutes.

Immediately after the assessment, you’ll be provided with your results that include a rating system of:

• Emerging Knowledge
• Understanding
• Early Application
• Advanced Application

Your results, which will also be emailed to you, will also contain 1) a comparison of your ratings to the competencies employers deem most important in college students and 2) recommendations for further developing in each competency area.

It’s important to approach reviewing these results with a growth mindset. It’s typical for students to have lots of room for growth in their career readiness competencies. Inventories are valuable tools for self-awareness and growth. Approach the process with a positive attitude and a commitment to continuous self-improvement. Use your self-reflection to set actionable goals to further your skill development and seek out opportunities to showcase your skills.

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