Community is Key

When I transferred into the electrical engineering program at UW, I didn’t know anybody else in the program. However, over the course of the next quarter, I slowly began to meet new people and carve out my own little community within UW. I cannot overstate just how important the connections I made were to the success I had as a student, especially during the transition we made together during COVID-19. I had people I could depend upon to study with, stay up late to work on difficult problems, and even just hang out and talk during lockdown. Having that community around me really made me feel at home at UW, whether it was on campus or online.


Academics – Electrical Engineering / Class of 2021
Interests – Law, Government and Policy
Identities – he/him, Transfer Student


Work Experience
  • Nuclear Shift Test Engineer
  • Puget Sound Naval Shipyard
Jobs, Law / Government / Policy, Transfer Students
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