
ASUW Asian Student Commission

Student Organizations

We advocate for Asian cultural/international RSOs and students at UW

ASUW Student Disability Commission

Student Organizations

The SDC is a student-led disability advocacy organization housed under ASUW. It is comprised of 2 student employees (Director and …

ASUW Queer Student Commission

Student Organizations

Advocate for LGBTQ+ RSO’s and students on campus. ASUW QSC works through programming, policy, and community advocacy to support and …

OUTLaws Student Association

Student Organizations

The purpose of OUTLaws is to provide community building, activism, and mentorship opportunities for Two-Spirit, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, …

ASUW Black Student Commission

Student Organizations

Advocates for African and African American RSO’s and students on campus.

ASUW Pacific Islander Student Commission

Student Organizations

Advocate for PI RSO’s and students on campus.

First Generation Law Students Association

Student Organizations

First Generation Law Student Association at the University of Washington (FGLS) is a student-led group that strives to address the …

Mock Trial at the University of Washington

Student Organizations

To develop public speaking skills, critical and analytical thinking, and legal knowledge through participation in competitive Mock Trial.

Pi Sigma Alpha, Nu Chapter

Student Organizations

Pi Sigma Alpha (PSA) is an honor society which recognizes academic achievement in the field of Political Science and provides …