Career Connections: Physical & Life Sciences (Casual Recruiting Event)

Career Connections: Physical & Life Sciences (Casual Recruiting Event)

Tuesday, February 4, 11:00-1:00, MGH 134

* Six employers have been invited to chat with students in the Career & Internship Center lobby.

* Participating employers include Allen Institute, COPE Health Solutions, Full Circle, Proteios Technology, Inc., US Army Corps of Engineers, and UW Department of Laboratory Medicine & Pathology.

* Students are welcome to stop by anytime between 11:00am and 1:00pm to converse with recruiters, learn about job openings, and practice networking.

* All majors and school years are welcome to attend.

* Students do not need to adhere to a dress code for this event but should consider bringing a few copies of their resume.

* Registration is not required but is encouraged so students can receive helpful event reminders.

Click here to register.

By Gabby Ramon (She/Her)
Gabby Ramon (She/Her) Career Coach