It is that time of year again—students have begun applying for GSBA scholarships and we are preparing for interviews. Being a scholarship interviewer is a powerful experience, and we hope that you will be able to join us this year as we select the new 2022 cohort of future LGBTQ and allied leaders.
Our applicants represent a wide range of identities and academic and career interests so we seek to create interview teams that reflect all of the diversity of our applicant pool. With that in mind, we are especially interested in seeing greater representation on our interview teams from women, trans and gender diverse people, BIPOC, first generation college graduates, and people who work in the skilled trades.
The required dates to volunteer as an Interviewer for the 2022 scholarship interview cycle are:
Tuesday, January 25, 2021 from 5:30-6:30PM
Facilitator Orientation
*For Team Facilitators only*
Thursday, January 27, 2021 from 5:30 PM – 7:30PM
Interviewer Orientation
Saturday, February 26, 2021 from 9:00 AM – 1PM
Selection Day
Saturday, April 2, 2021 from 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Interview Day
Currently the location for each stage of the cycle is still influx as we gauge volunteer interest in meeting in-person and we will provide location updates during the week of January 10th.
This year, GSBA is expecting to work with approximately 100 volunteers to support the interview and selection process for some of tomorrow’s leaders. GSBA will also need Team Facilitators, who guide the interview team through the selection-making process. If you are interested in interviewing or facilitating this year, please fill out this online information form and be sure to save the dates on your calendar. Please share with others who may be a good fit as well!
Confirmation regarding your participation will be sent during the week of January 10th. Due to a very high volume of interested volunteers – all reviewers, interviewers, and selection team members will be chosen at the discretion of the GSBA Staff.